HomeCryptoEthereumTrezor: crypto hardware wallet adds Ethereum staking on Trezor Suite

Trezor: crypto hardware wallet adds Ethereum staking on Trezor Suite

Trezor, the hardware crypto-wallet, announced that it has added Ethereum staking to its Trezor Suite. The new feature allows holders of 0.1 ETH to earn passive rewards.

Trezor: the crypto-wallet hardware and the new Ethereum staking function

The famous crypto-wallet hardware, Trezor, has announced that it has added Ethereum staking to its management application Trezor Suite.

We are excited to announce support for staking #Ethereum in Trezor Suite! Stake as little as 0.1 $ETH in just a few clicks. It is safe and simple! Start earning rewards with the top-tier staking service from @everstake_pool

In practice, the new feature allows possessori di Ethereum (ETH) to engage in staking securely, continuously earning rewards in ETH with a minimum participation of 0.1 ETH in their Trezor wallet.

Nello specifico, lo staking di Ethereum su Trezor è stato reso possibile grazie all’integration of the staking-as-a-service platform, Everstake, built on smart contract. 

By updating the Trezor Suite, users will be able to select the staking option in their ETH account and choose how much to commit to staking. 

Trezor adds Ethereum staking to contribute to the functionality of the blockchain 

The new feature ensures that Trezor contributes to the functionality and security of the Ethereum blockchain, allowing its users to earn rewards. 

In fact, Ethereum staking consists of holding a certain amount of ETH and locking it to support network operations, such as validating transactions and creating new blocks on the Ethereum blockchain.  

Nello specifico, quando l’utente sceglie l’opzione di staking di Trezor, gli ETH impegnati saranno bloccati e non potranno essere scambiati. Qualora si volesse smettere con lo staking, gli utenti dopo pochi giorni, potranno richiedere i loro ETH.

In generale, i premi accumulati sono autocomposti, in modo che l’ETH guadagnato venga automaticamente utilizzato per ulteriori puntate, accelerando i guadagni nel tempo. 

In this regard, Matej Zak, CEO of Trezor, stated:

“Trezor’s mission is to provide an easy-to-use service with the security that is at the heart of financial self-sovereignty. By integrating staking into the Trezor Suite, our strong community of ETH users can now easily and passively earn ETH rewards within the Trezor environment while maintaining full control over their crypto assets.”

A society increasingly international

Two months ago, Trezor updated its wallet version, adding 3 new languages to its electronic signature device, expanding connections with the outside world.

In fact, thanks to the firmware update, it will be possible to choose to use Trezor in French, German, and Spanish. 

The company thus becomes increasingly international, opening up to new horizons in the European market. 

Stefania Stimolo
Stefania Stimolo
Laureata in Marketing e Comunicazione, Stefania è un’esploratrice di opportunità innovative. Partendo come Sales Assistant per e-commerce, nel 2016 inizia ad appassionarsi al mondo digitale autonomamente, inizialmente in ambito Network Marketing dove conosce e si appassiona dell’ideale di Bitcoin e tecnologia Blockchain diventandone una divulgatrice come copywriter e traduttrice per progetti ICO e blog, ed organizzando corsi conoscitivi.

