HomeNFTGamestop seeks creators for the NFT marketplace

Gamestop seeks creators for the NFT marketplace

Gamestop is about to make its debut in the NFT sector with a special marketplace, but at the moment, there are no other rumors, except that the company is looking for creators. 

The only certainty is that everything will happen in 2022. 

Gamestop prepares the launch of the NFT marketplace

2021 was certainly the year of rebirth for Gamestop. The company was on the brink in January; GME shares were considered junk assets and were used by hedge funds to speculate with short sales. The short squeeze triggered by the Reddit group WallStreetBets has rewritten history and has probably made the company realize that important market opportunities can come from the digital world. 

That’s why Gamestop, a chain of physical video game stores, is now evolving to the latest gaming frontier: NFTs.

Not only is the company looking for experts, but it has also created an official website where creators are called to gather. Those who want to debut in Gamestop’s NFT marketplace must fill in a special form. 

Neither from the company nor from the site filter other indications. The only clear thing is that everything will be based on the Ethereum blockchain, as suggested by the ETH logo that makes a good show in a console that reminds the old and unforgettable Gameboy.

Gamestop NFT marketplace
Gaming and NFT are increasingly linked

Gaming and NFTs

Gaming on the blockchain is perhaps one of the channels that can lead to the mass adoption of NFTs. Non-fungible tokens can be considered the real trend that exploded in 2021, a full-fledged craze that has infected not only art enthusiasts but also sports fans, gamers, celebrities. 

After all, the most famous NFTs made their debut in unsuspected times, just as video games. This is the case with Cryptokitties. But also, Sorare’s fantasy soccer on the blockchain, by now an established reality, bases its economy on collectibles depicting players that users exchange and then deploy in their games. 

Prices of NFT tokens

Other consolidated realities as Axie Infinity, Decentraland, The Sandbox have known a real boom just exploiting that link that joins the gaming to the non-fungible tokens. 

Their tokens have grown by leaps and bounds, climbing the Coinmarketcap rankings. A few numbers help to better understand the soaring annual value:

  • Axie Infinity (AXIE), 95.57 USD, up 17670%;
  • Decentraland (MANA), 3.307 USD, + 4140%;
  • The Sandbox (SAND), 5.872 USD, + 16362%.

With these figures, it’s easy to see why Gamestop would want to get into the NFT business. Who knows, maybe GME shares will get pumped again as well, this time without the need for WallStreetBets’ retail traders. 

Eleonora Spagnolo
Eleonora Spagnolo
Giornalista con la passione per il web e il mondo digitale. È laureata con lode in Editoria multimediale all’Università La Sapienza di Roma e ha frequentato un master in Web e Social Media Marketing.

