HomeCryptoBitcoinHawaii and Bitcoin, searches on Google Trends

Hawaii and Bitcoin, searches on Google Trends

Hawaii is one of the states in the US where the word Bitcoin is most commonly searched for. This is indicated by Google Trends.

The Google tool shows that in the last 12 months the three states with the most searches for Bitcoin are Nevada (100/100), followed by Hawaii (99/100) and then California and Washington (90/100).

But what do people search for in Hawaii? Over the past year, three queries have emerged:

  • How to invest in Bitcoin;
  • Ethereum price;
  • How to buy Bitcoin.

These are fairly common queries in the rest of the US as well. 

In the last 30 days, coinciding with the record high price of Bitcoin, it is no coincidence that users have asked Google predominantly one thing: Bitcoin price. 

Hawaii as a testing ground for Bitcoin

The high interest in Bitcoin in Hawaii may be due to the fact that an experiment is underway there, which will work towards extending a new regulation for cryptocurrencies. As part of the Digital Currency Innovation Lab, 21 exchanges will be able to operate without a crypto licence. Among the most well-known companies are Gemini, Novi, BlockFi and RobinHood. 

At the end of two years of experimentation, the authorities will draw conclusions. 

This experiment could be instrumental for crypto regulation in the US, which is already quite strict and is now in the grips of a new administration that will have to decide whether to continue with the Trump era or to be less strict. The worrying part is that Janet Yellen is at Treasury, and she is extremely critical of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

How to go to Hawaii with Bitcoin

On the subject of Hawaii and Bitcoin, the island is a dream destination. Now it is possible to go there on holiday by paying in Bitcoin. There are platforms that allow users to book flights and hotels, paying in cryptocurrency. Travala and TravelbyBit are among the most popular platforms to book flights and hotels and also pay in Bitcoin. It’s a shame that it’s currently difficult to travel, but it could be a plan worth exploring when Covid is behind us. 


Eleonora Spagnolo
Eleonora Spagnolo
Giornalista con la passione per il web e il mondo digitale. È laureata con lode in Editoria multimediale all’Università La Sapienza di Roma e ha frequentato un master in Web e Social Media Marketing.

