HomeDeFiWho is behind Zero Exchange?

Who is behind Zero Exchange?

We have been keeping our eye on a new project which is making its round in DeFi circles. Zero Exchange is a new decentralized exchange with cross chain swaps on Ethereum and soon Avalanche blockchain promising zero fees and zero finality. They did their global airdrop on New Years Day, we first saw their announcement on Christmas Eve on Business Insider, Bankless Times, Seeking Alpha, and Yahoo News.

After a month of watching the action in their online community Telegram group, we have been doing research into who is possibly behind this mysterious new Decentralized Exchange.

Based on the comments online:

“It’s a team of executives and developers from other top 500 crypto projects. Currently anonymous. But full audit (Score of 99!) from Zokyo (https://www.zokyo.io/)!. The team is comprised of top devs and execs from other blockchain projects, and as such they have to consider any non-compete clauses in contracts and so they have to think about their income, family etc. and it’s better for them to remain anon at this stage”.

Interesting isn’t it? Let’s do a deep dive into what this possibly means.

“Executives and developers from other top 500 crypto projects that are subject to Non-Compete Clauses” – indicates that they are likely high-profile and have been working in crypto for some time.

Non-Compete clauses are contractual agreements that have legal consequences for working on any competitors – does this mean they come from other exchanges?

Our research revealed that the brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss have long been supporters of DeFi – not hiding their interest in the success of Uniswap. Could it be possible that the Winklevii have anonymously been behind Zero Exchange? It would make sense that they would have to be anonymous as it would violate their non-competes with Gemini.

Another interesting person that could be behind Zero is the mysterious Vlad Zamfir, who is behind ETH’s Casper initiative. On Dec 25, the same day that Zero announced he tweeted:

zero exchange

Is it just pure coincidence or is he hinting? It’s interesting to note that the Christmas theme, Santa, and decorating the blockchain for the holidays line up perfectly to Zero’s branding.

It’s also maybe why the team needs to stay anon, because Vlad could not promote another blockchain (Avalanche) while he is currently behind ETH Casper.

The last person we think that might be behind Zero Exchange, is the mysterious Blythe Masters. This was a hard one but we have been wondering how the team has grown their liquidity pool to $8m within a few short weeks. Could Ms. Masters be the reason? Anonymity makes sense if you recently stepped down from Digital Asset Holdings and have been keeping things quiet. Could also explain why liquidity is unlocked, because according to the team they contributed the 60 ETH of liquidity themselves.

In each person above, we have not been able to confirm or get responses to our requests.

Roberta Di Mario
Roberta Di Mario
Roberta Di Mario, nata a Roma nel 1993, è una studentessa universitaria. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea triennale in Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, attualmente si sta specializzando nel corso magistrale di Management and Finance.

