HomeNFTEmanuele Dascanio, Lamborghini and hyperrealism applied to the NFT world

Emanuele Dascanio, Lamborghini and hyperrealism applied to the NFT world

Emanuele Dascanio is an artist with a 20-year career in hyperrealism (his works are in private collections around the globe) who is now celebrating the life of Ferruccio Lamborghini. 

He has made a striking entry into the world of NFTs by announcing his first digital collection in the “100 Creators” campaign launched by Binance.

Emanuele Dascanio and Lamborghini

Emanuele is an artist who researches a great deal and pays great attention to detail, bringing out beauty where it is not usually seen. He considers the NFT world “The New Renaissance” and is keen to explore the endless artistic possibilities it offers.

He recently wanted to celebrate the life of Lamborghini by perfectly combining his hyper-realistic style with the digital. This drop will be published tomorrow, 25 September, on Elysium Bridge.

Here’s the interview we did yesterday on The Nemesis with Emanuele:

The empire born from the ashes

Emanuele’s work is inspired by the great story of Ferruccio Lamborghini.

A farmer’s son turned into a legend, who came back from the war and forged his first entrepreneurial reality from the ashes, starting with the production of tractors and then creating an empire in the field of sports cars.

The idea for the work came from that energy, that desire for a comeback that was always present in the spirit of this exceptional man.

Life of Ferruccio Lamborghini inspired Emanuele Dascanio

Ferruccio’s anger and energy transformed into a digital artwork 

Dascanio wanted to convey in his work the anger and humiliation Ferruccio suffered during his meeting with Enzo Ferrari:

“What do you want to know about cars, you who drive tractors?”.

This was the phrase that triggered the spark in Lamborghini, leading him to create the first line of sports cars under the sign of the bull, and arriving in 1966 to present to the world the mother of Supercars, the Miura

Emanuele was able to take that moment that marked the birth of a legendary brand and turn it into a unique and immortal work of art of inestimable value.

This work represents the transformation of Ferruccio’s anger into pure energy.

Emanuele took what he does best, drawing, reproducing Ferruccio’s face in every detail and integrating it perfectly with the digital part.

Using Rendering and 3D Model techniques, he changed the image of the man into a Bull, ultimately transforming it into the mother of SuperCars, the Miura.

Anger. Strength. Energy.

In Dascanio’s vision, these 3 words best summarize the kind of man Ferruccio was and perfectly describe the moment of birth of the Legendary Brand.

Anger, evoked by the encounter with Ferrari…

The strength to react and transform that event into an opportunity and to start, after only one year, the company that would change the history of sports cars…

And finally, energy, represented in the work by the mother of Supercars, the Miura.

Owning Dascanio’s work means having in your hands the artistic digital representation of the event that gave birth to the legend and thus becoming part of history.

Amelia Tomasicchio
Amelia Tomasicchiohttps://cryptonomist.ch
Esperta di digital marketing, Amelia inizia a lavorare nel settore fintech nel 2014 dopo aver scritto la sua tesi di laurea sulla tecnologia Bitcoin. Precedentemente è stata un'autrice di diversi magazine crypto all'estero e CMO di Eidoo. Oggi è co-founder e direttrice di Cryptonomist, oltre che Italian PR manager per l'exchange Bitget. E' stata nominata una delle 30 under 30 secondo Forbes. Oggi Amelia è anche insegnante di marketing presso Digital Coach e ha pubblicato un libro "NFT: la guida completa'" edito Mondadori. Inoltre è co-founder del progetto NFT chiamati The NFT Magazine, oltre ad aiutare artisti e aziende ad entrare nel settore. Come advisor, Amelia è anche coinvolta in progetti sul metaverso come The Nemesis e OVER.

