HomeBlockchainEventsStartup.Network announces the 4 Startup Battles, Venture & Crypto

Startup.Network announces the 4 Startup Battles, Venture & Crypto

Startup.Network is extremely excited to announce the 4 Startup Battles, Venture & Crypto. The Battles will be held this Fall in the US.

The investment platform for venture capitalists has organized more than 100 investment Battles in several countries over a period of more than 4 years and this will be the fourth one in the US.

The company has 6 regional platforms in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Poland and the US. In their database, they have 20 thousand startups from all over the world. They receive over 100 applications weekly, but only 10 will have the chance to present their project at the Startup Battles.

These are the startups:

Delfast – Electric Bike Company wants to become the โ€˜Teslaโ€™ of motorcycles.

  1. SECURIX.IO is a blockchain-based company specialised in crypto mining based in the Netherlands.
  2. Satoshi Nakamoto Republic, their main goal is to create virtual cities using augmented reality technology.
  3. Younk Industries, LLC is the first blockchain-based music record label. Its mission is to modernize the music industry and help artists get noticed.
  4. Protect-My-Bike wants to get rid of the problem of stolen bicycles, by integrating tracking technology.
  5. Blockline Assets has the aim of support the global movement of capital in the digital sector.
  6. EcoVerseGlobal is the first platform to use AI-DPOC (Artificial Intelligence supported Delegated Proof of Contribution) which solves daily usability and universal adoption by improving transaction times, security and interconnectivity.

Detailed information about the Startups can be found here.
Tickets can be bought on Eventbrite, the ticket cost for guests of each Startup Battle is $20.

The Battles will be held as follows:

The list of Judges can be found here.

See you soon at the Startup Battles, Venture & Crypto!

Feel free to contact us with any questions,

Julia Smila

Event Director Startup.Network e-mail: [email protected]

Patryk Karter
Patryk Karter
Appassionato di nuove tecnologie, nutrizione e filosofia, Patryk passa le giornate ad esplorare l'infinito universo del web. Si sposta a Londra dopo aver vissuto la maggior parte della sua vita a Roma. Tenta la vita da studente di Informatica presso il King's College of London ma capisce presto che non รจ la strada per lui, invece decide di investire il suo tempo e denaro nel mondo della Blockchain e nel frattempo completare corsi universitari disponibili sul web. Ora si occupa di trading e svolge dei lavori come freelancer.

