HomeWikiWalletHow to use IOTA Trinity with the Ledger Nano hardware wallet

How to use IOTA Trinity with the Ledger Nano hardware wallet

Last autumn IOTA and Ledger, through a collaboration, added hardware wallet support for the notorious Trinity Wallet company. As a result, Trinity Wallet users can use the Ledger Nano S or the latest Nano X to safely store their IOTA tokens.

As already seen with EOS and other cryptocurrencies, Ledger has decided to support only the currency without providing a full-fledged wallet software, leaving users the possibility to use the original wallet of IOTA.

So here are the operations required to use IOTA on the Ledger hardware wallets.

IOTA Trinity on the Ledger Nano S and X hardware wallets

The first step is to install the latest version of Ledger Live, the PC application for the management of the Ledger Nano S and X hardware.

The software is available on the official website. Alternatively, for the owners of the Ledger Nano X, it is possible to install the IOTA application directly from the Ledger Live Mobile application, as described in the review of the device.

This guide will illustrate the procedure using a PC.

After updating the app and connecting the Ledger Nano S/X to the PC, it is necessary to unlock the hardware wallet by entering the PIN. Then go to the Manager section and type IOTA to search and install the application on the device.

Once this is done, all that remains is to open or install Trinity Wallet. HERE is the dedicated step-by-step guide.

At this point, once opened and connected the device to the PC, it is necessary to create an account for the device using Trinity. In case of an existing Trinity account, it will be sufficient to click on Add new account in the main screen on the left. Otherwise, in case this is the first time using Trinity, the option to use the hardware wallet will appear immediately.

It will be enough to click on Proceed with Ledger Setup.

The user will then be asked to choose the index of the IOTA wallet. At this point, in order to finalise the operation, click on Continue.


Now, from Ledger, it is necessary to open the IOTA App. A SEED will be created from the device and the Trinity wallet will open the dashboard screen.

At this point, on the homescreen, it is possible to check the balances and choose whether to send or receive IOTA. In case of a transaction, it is necessary to give the final confirmation from the Ledger Nano S or X.


Once approved by the device, the local PoW will start and the transaction will be transmitted on the IOTA Tangle


Emanuele Pagliari
Emanuele Pagliarihttps://www.emanuelepagliari.it/
Ingegnere delle telecomunicazioni appassionato di tecnologia. La sua avventura nel mondo del blogging è iniziata su GizChina.it nel 2014 per poi proseguire su LFFL.org e GizBlog.it. Emanuele è nel mondo delle criptovalute come miner dal 2013 ed ad oggi segue gli aspetti tecnici legati alla blockchain, crittografia e dApp, anche per applicazioni nell'ambito dell'Internet of Things

