HomeBlockchainNaples: the presentation of the blockchain-based eVoting system

Naples: the presentation of the blockchain-based eVoting system

The blockchain-based eVoting system will be presented in Naples on Friday, September 13th, as part of the wider project of the Neapolitan municipality started about two years ago and which today involves many local, national and international experts. We wrote about the electronic blockchain-based voting system this summer, presenting the essential parts of the operating mechanism.

The perfect occasion will be the event “Insert Law to continue”, organised on September 12th and 13th by the University Federico II and the Municipality of Naples. The two-day event, which is open to all interested parties free of charge, will be a unique opportunity to learn more about cryptocurrency and blockchain by exploring various approaches: legal, technological, economic and social.

Among the speakers at the conference on blockchain-based eVoting, scheduled from 15.00 to 17.00 at the Complesso San Domenico Maggiore in Naples, are the experts who have developed the system.

During the event “the logical processes that led to the creation and digitalisation of the meeting places for voting will be described, as well as how it was possible to minimise the risk of trading votes”, one of the speakers, engineer Tommaso Coppola of the Naples Digital Culture Association, told The Cryptonomist. But there will be a technical input, providing a “comparison between the current voting system and the digital one, to then move on to the description of the different technologies used”.

The “Insert Law to continue” event

โ€œInsert Law to continueโ€ foresees more than 20 meetings, scheduled at the historic headquarters of Federico II in Corso Umberto I (Pessina room) and at the monumental complex of San Domenico Maggiore in Naples.

Among the other meetings scheduled there is “Blockchain and globalised finance”, during which the speakers will explain the opportunity to build a Naples Stock Exchange, provide ideas for new technologies to support the economy of South Italy and what is the impact of the blockchain applied to the main sectors.

Of particular interest is the series of round tables entitled “The use of the Internet and the socio-economic changes in the globalised society: person, finance and the market of cyberspace”, during which various aspects related to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology applied in practice in the Neapolitan capital will be discussed.

In particular, the Napoli Blockchain Association, created to support the blockchain project of the City of Naples, will present “the POS Napay system developed by the association in order to allow businesses accept payments in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies including the experimental discount token of the City of Naples,” as mentioned by the president of the association.

The meetings will be attended by three experts from the Blockchain Group of MISE, experts from the CNR of Naples, the Ministry of Defence, the University of Parthenope, professors from the University of Vilnius and the University of Graz, the University of Trieste and Florence, the University of Turin, Unitelma Sapienza of Rome, LUISS Guido Carli, and of course the professors of Federico II of Naples.

The complete schedule and the free registration are available on the event website.

Fabio Carbone
Fabio Carbone
Writer freelance dal 2013 ha studiato informatica e filosofia ed anche un pizzico di sociologia. Nel 2016 ha scoperto la crypto economy e da allora scrive di blockchain e criptovalute, per approfondire un movimento che non รจ fatto solo di esperti matematici e crittografi, ma di gente che genera una nuova economia dal basso. Scrive dello stesso argomento su vari siti web di settore. Scrive di Industria 4.0 ed economia digitale in generale.

