HomeDeFiZerion: the app to access all DeFi services

Zerion: the app to access all DeFi services

Zerion is an easy-to-use interface that allows users to access a variety of decentralized finance (DeFi) tools to carry out investment activities, thus earning interest on their crypto portfolio, or to borrow tokens. 

The interface is supported by a protocol that acts as a bridge between the end-user and various DeFi platforms and allows users to invoke the functionalities contained in each of them and thus have access to financial products of various kinds.

In addition, it is possible to manage a DeFi portfolio consisting of multiple accounts in one place, where the overall performance can be tracked in real-time depending on the positions held on each platform. 

The main projects that can be accessed include the major leaders involved in the sector and, in a simple and fast way, it is possible to carry out all the operations characteristic of that platform that would otherwise be carried out in a fragmented manner within each application. 

A direct connection with Maker could not be missing, which makes it possible to issue stablecoin loans through the crypto collateral deposit in a CDP. This is one of the big advantages, as the DAI stablecoin issuance, supported and used in all DeFi platforms, is right at the user’s fingertips. Once issued, it is also possible to choose to diversify the investment by quickly accessing the various financial services that other platforms bring to Zerion. 

The Compound platform, the leader in Lending, currently ranked second behind Maker, is used to find more advantageous rates on crypto deposits by increasing the return on the user’s portfolio, depending on the tokens they own.

In addition, thanks to Set it is possible to find multiple investment solutions and automated strategies for the management of assets, by choosing among those that come closest to the user’s needs and personal level of risk aversion. 

The overall package is finally completed by the direct communication channel with the UniSwap DEX, through which it is possible to buy, sell and trade any ERC20 token. This allows users to take advantage of all investment opportunities for each asset, with virtually everything they need in a single platform. 

Thanks to the total openness of the protocols that are part of this financial system, open-source by definition, Zerion is able to create a strong connection channel between the platforms that are part of the ecosystem, thus increasing the degree of interoperability at a non-negligible level. This helps the growth of the DeFi system, as well as its accessibility, facilitating its path to mass adoption. 

Zerion’s mission is linked precisely to the idea of making it easier for all individuals, crypto lovers and non-crypto lovers alike, to access the potential that the DeFi world has to offer, without excluding anyone. 


Eliano Martellucci
Eliano Martellucci
Eliano è laureato in Economia e gestione aziendale e sta per concludere gli studi specialistici in Finanza presso l'Università di Trento (UNITN). Si appassiona al mondo crypto e blockchain durante l'estate del 2017 e da lì non lo ha più abbandonato. Ora lavora come editor & SEO specialist in Cryptonomist, scrive articoli ed investe, sia in asset Blue Chip, che in fase iniziale. Inoltre, sta sviluppando il suo ultimo progetto di tesi dal titolo: "Uno studio sulla Sentiment Analysis del mercato crypto attraverso algoritmi di Machine Learning in python".

