HomeBlockchainA ranking of blockchains with the most tokens

A ranking of blockchains with the most tokens

With the progress of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, other cryptocurrencies and blockchains have been launched which allowed for the introduction of the concept of smart contract and the possibility to create tokens, such as Ethereum and its ERC20 tokens, among others. 

But how many tokens are there actually and on which blockchain are they based? 

We will take into consideration several blockchains, namely those most used and which allow creating tokens that are already traded on different centralized exchanges or DEXs, and we will see which blockchains have resulted as the most successful in terms of tokens created

The ranking of the 5 major blockchains 

Let’s start from the last position occupied by Binance Chain, the blockchain of Binance, on which it is possible to create BEP2 tokens and on which there are currently 212 tokens

In fourth place, there is the EOS blockchain, which holds 420 tokens, although some of them are based on EOS sister chains such as Telos, WAX and so on. 

On the podium, at position 3, there is the TRON (TRX) blockchain which surprisingly supports 6,098 tokens between TRC10 and TRC20 tokens, which can be created very easily

In second place there are the SLP (Simple Ledger Protocol) tokens that make use of the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain, a demonstration of how even the fork of the most famous bitcoin blockchain allows creating tokens. 

By the way, this is perhaps the most recent development, so the fact that it’s in second place is a good result for this blockchain. 

In first place, with an impressive 262,347 ERC20 tokens, the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain still reigns unchallenged also for its longevity and the presence of greater documentation and support. In addition to these 260k tokens, also the NFTs that follow the ERC721 standard can be added, which exceed 5,300 types.

Bitcoin is missing in this ranking as there are still no effective methods for creating tokens on this blockchain, although the RGB team is currently working on it.


Alfredo de Candia
Alfredo de Candia
Android developer da oltre 8 anni sul playstore di Google con una decina di app, Alfredo a 21 anni ha scalato il Monte Fuji seguendo il detto "Chi scala il monte Fuji una volta nella vita è un uomo saggio, chi lo scala due volte è un pazzo". Tra le sue app troviamo un dizionario di giapponese, un database di spam e virus, il più completo database sui compleanni di serie Anime e Manga e un database sulle shitcoin. Miner della domenica, Alfredo ha una forte passione per le crypto ed è un fan di EOS.

