HomeCryptoBitcoinBitcoin: open interest sets new records

Bitcoin: open interest sets new records

Yesterday saw the open interest on Bitcoin options close at the highest levels ever with $1.6 billion. 

This is probably affecting the market and will continue to do so in the coming days and weeks, showing the interest in the tools that are offered by brokers on Bitcoin.

The lion’s share is attributed to Deribit, which yesterday traded just under $1.2 billion for the first time. Since Monday, Deribit has now traded over a billion dollars. 

Even the most institutionalized platform, the CME, has recorded the absolute top ever with 373 million dollars yesterday.

It must be noted that at the end of March the combined volumes on all broker platforms offering this type of market amounted to 75 million dollars

Since the end of March, volumes on Bitcoin options have doubled more than 4 times. Deribit was trading just over $150 million at the end of March, while CME was trading $4 million. Yesterday, the volumes of the CME soared by about 10 times. 

Despite the much smaller offer on Ethereum options (only two brokers offer this product, Deribit and Okex), volumes on Eth’s options also set absolute records with just under $158 million yesterday. 

Deribit seems to be the queen of the options market, not only on Bitcoin, in fact even on Ethereum it has traded over $156 million, more than 99% of the volume.

CME, as the largest trading platform for commodities in the world, has repeatedly pointed out in recent months that it is interested in launching options on Ethereum

It is carrying out studies aimed at launching this type of service alongside what is already available for Bitcoin.

Federico Izzi
Federico Izzi
Analista finanziario e trader indipendente – Socio S.I.A.T. & Assob.it. Opera attivamente sui mercati azionari e dei derivati (futures ed opzioni) dal 1997. Precursore dell’analisi ciclica-volumetrica è noto per aver individuato i più importanti movimenti al rialzo ed al ribasso sui mercati finanziari degli ultimi anni. Partecipa annualmente come relatore all’ ITForum di Rimini dall’edizione del 2010 ed InvestingRoma e Napoli dalla prima edizione del 2015. Interviene come ospite ed esperto dei mercati durante le trasmissioni “Trading Room” e “Market Driver” di Class CNBC, Borsa Diretta.tv e nel TG serale di Traderlink. Da luglio 2017 è ospite fisso su LeFonti.TV nell’unico spazio nazionale settimanale dedicato alle criptovalute insieme ai più importanti esperti internazionali del settore. Periodicamente pubblica articoli su ITForum News, Sole24Ore, TrendOnLine, Wall Street Italia. E’ stato intervistato in qualità di esperto di criptovalute per: Forbes Italia, Panorama, StartupItalia, DonnaModerna. E’ stato riconosciuto come primo analista tecnico italiano ad aver pubblicato la prima analisi ciclica secolare sul Bitcoin. Federico Izzi è… Zio Romolo

