HomeBlockchainSmau Napoli 2018: Mozzarella di Bufala goes on the blockchain

Smau Napoli 2018: Mozzarella di Bufala goes on the blockchain

The Smau Napoli 2018 event, underway in the Italian city at the Mostra d’Oltremare until December 14th, is full of workshops dedicated to the blockchain and possible applications in companies within the lively business world of the region.

In particular, the agri-food and zootechnical sectors are the subject of numerous institutional and private initiatives to support farmers and breeders so that they can assert the authenticity of their products on the national and international market.

The Campania Region and the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Mezzogiorno, have implemented a system based on blockchain within GISA, the software for integrated management of services and companies.

The Campania Region, through the use of blockchain technology, keeps track of the controls carried out by the health authorities and zooprophylaxis on the farms of the supply chain and at the plants processing buffalo milk used to produce the famous Mozzarella di Bufala.

The guarantee of the truthfulness of the data entered, explains Dr Loredana Baldi of the Zooprophylactic Institute, is given by public bodies while the blockchain guarantees the unchangeability of the controls and inspections carried out.

The GISA project has been a national and international success and has been included in the Catalogue of reuse of the Digital Italy Agency.

The platform is being shared and evaluated in other regions as well, including Valle d’Aosta.

During the Smau event in the Neapolitan city, Cooevo, a startup Made in Naples with an international vocation, presents the first concrete applications of the blockchain platform dedicated to the traceability of food products.

In Malta, explains Michele D’Ambrosio, business manager of Cooevo, the platform has been used in forestry by interweaving satellite data provided by ESA Sentinel satellites.

Agrifood, new technologies and training

The president of Copagri Campania, Paolo Conte, stressed the importance of new technologies in the agricultural sector of Campania but also highlighted how new technologies, including the blockchain, need training in order to be applied.

Farmers must participate in training projects in order to understand the benefits that new technologies can bring to agricultural products.

Tracking agri-food products brings benefits in terms of food security and quality, ensuring that the product effectively complies with national regulations and European standards in terms of cultivation and distribution.

This is the reflection of the President of Copagri during the workshop “Food blockchain, towards the future of the supply chain: how to increase the sustainability of the agricultural model through innovation“.

Culinary tourism, business networks and blockchain

At the Smau event in Naples, the “Associazione reti di imprese PMI” presented its studies in the field of tourism and projects to enhance the cultural heritage and agri-food of the territories through digital technologies.

During the workshop “Business networks 4.0: tourism, culture and agrifood”, AssoretiPMI presented the blockchain based platform project of several consortia of associated winegrowers, to trace the wine supply chain from the vineyard to the final consumer.

Digital identity and digital representation assets

B2Lab, at Smau Napoli 2018, presented the recent Bloki platform dedicated to the management of digital identity and the management of assets for the digital representation of tangible and intangible assets.

The platform is currently operational and used to record the minutes of duty of a service company in Tivoli and is used by a real estate company in Rome for the management of real estate.

Fabio Carbone
Fabio Carbone
Writer freelance dal 2013 ha studiato informatica e filosofia ed anche un pizzico di sociologia. Nel 2016 ha scoperto la crypto economy e da allora scrive di blockchain e criptovalute, per approfondire un movimento che non è fatto solo di esperti matematici e crittografi, ma di gente che genera una nuova economia dal basso. Scrive dello stesso argomento su vari siti web di settore. Scrive di Industria 4.0 ed economia digitale in generale.

