After the cryptocurrency videos which we presented in recent days, here is a new list of 10 videos dedicated to blockchain technology, not to be missed as well, for those who want to explore the subject, both beginners and experts.
After all, blockchain and cryptocurrency are not exactly the same thing, although it is obvious that blockchain needs cryptocurrencies in order to work.
The first five videos are accessible to everyone, especially good for beginners, while the other five are for those who already know how blockchain works and want to learn more.
1 What Is Blockchain?
In less than 2 minutes and a half, you’ll get a very brief overview of what blockchain is.
2 What is Blockchain
One of the simplest and most comprehensive explanations that there are on YouTube of blockchain’s basic concepts
3 What is Blockchain? | CNBC Explains
A CNBC informative video that explains blockchain in a creative way.
4 How It Works: Blockchain
With this short video, you can get an idea of how blockchain works in principle.
5 Blockchain: Massively Simplified
More than a million views for this 23-minute video in which Richie Etwaru explains blockchain technology
6 New Kids on the Blockchain
Lorne Lantz at TEDxHamburgSalon explains blockchain in 15 minutes
7 Why Blockchain Matters More Than You Think!
An explanation of the potential of this technology
8 How the blockchain will radically transform the economy
Bettina Warburg talks about the impact of this technology on the modern economy
9 Blockchain Demystified
Daniel Gasteiger at TEDxLausanne tells how this new technology is developing in areas that go beyond cryptocurrencies
10 What does “blockchain” actually do?
Peter Todd explains what blockchain is for
If you would like to keep up to date with the latest news about this technology, you can watch live ToneVays videos on Twitter.