HomeCryptoBitcoinSatoshi Nakamoto's $50 billion net worth

Satoshi Nakamoto’s $50 billion net worth

Satoshi Nakamoto is one of the richest humans in the world when taking into account that the estimated net worth is 1.1 million bitcoin

Now that Bitcoin has hit new all-time highs, it’s easy to make a calculation. Assuming a price of $45,000, multiplied by 1.1 million BTC, this gives a total of $49.5 billion. While far from the wealth of the world’s richest man, Elon Musk, who boasts something like $190 billion, Satoshi can hardly complain.

The inventor of Bitcoin in fact mined the first BTC, which have been held in seemingly immobile wallets since 2010, the period after Bitcoin was created. The owner has also vanished into thin air. Although rumours and theories continue to swirl about who is behind the name Satoshi Nakamoto, the mystery remains. What is certain is that if those wallets remain ‘dormant’, with no record of incoming, but especially outgoing movements, it means that the key holder, Nakamoto himself, has abandoned them, which suggests that Satoshi is dead, as it seems difficult to imagine that the inventor of the Bitcoin system has lost his way to access them. 

With these numbers, however, Satoshi Nakamoto would be the richest figure in the crypto space, far surpassing the Winklevoss twins, who took the lead in a recent Forbes ranking. According to Bloomberg, however, Satoshi would be in the top 40 richest people in the world (with and without cryptocurrencies).

A fake Satoshi Nakamoto explains why he would no longer have access to his net worth

The possession of private keys to unlock the bitcoin mined by Satoshi Nakamoto would be the most concrete proof of the identity of the Bitcoin creator. 

Some people have claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, but simply lost the way to access the wallets. This is the case of the Pakistani James Caan who said that he had taken his laptop where he had deposited 980,000 bitcoin to be repaired without removing the (encrypted) hard disk where the BTC were deposited. When he took the computer back, he discovered that the hard disk had been replaced.

This theory immediately appeared bizarre and not surprisingly the news soon lost track of this faketoshi

What remains is an untold treasure of 1.1 million BTC, which only adds to the legend of Satoshi Nakamoto. 


Eleonora Spagnolo
Eleonora Spagnolo
Giornalista con la passione per il web e il mondo digitale. È laureata con lode in Editoria multimediale all’Università La Sapienza di Roma e ha frequentato un master in Web e Social Media Marketing.

