HomeCryptoBitcoinAlphabet, Nvidia and Gamestop outperformed Bitcoin in 2021

Alphabet, Nvidia and Gamestop outperformed Bitcoin in 2021

Although Bitcoin‘s annual return has reached 30%, companies such as Alphabet, Nvidia and Gamestop have surpassed it.

Bitcoin’s price in 2021

If we count the last 365 days, Bitcoin has risen in price by 31%, having reached a low of $28,000 and now standing at $46,000. It must also be taken into account, however, that during 2021, Bitcoin saw its all time high, reaching almost $69 thousand in value per single BTC.

In addition, BTC’s market capitalization remains at an all-time high – $880 billion – and in fact it is still in first place on CoinMarketCap.

Bitcoin price 2021
Bitcoin in 2021 increased by 33%

The shares of Nvidia and Alphabet

In contrast, technology companies such as Nvidia and Alphabet appear to have an even higher market cap, with their shares increasing by 68% during 2021.

Other technology stocks have also seen good growth: for example, Nvidia’s shares have risen 125%, taking its market cap to over $750 billion.

But that’s not all: Microsoft’s shares rose 54%, Apple‘s 41% and Tesla‘s 64%.

The case of Gamestop

And then there are the shares of GameStop, the most famous video game retailers.

Their share price started at around $20 at the beginning of 2021 and went up to almost $150 at the end of the same year. This is essentially a 687% increase.

During 2021, the company was much talked about thanks to the Reddit group WallStreetBets who had organized a pump to raise the share price and go against the Wall Street traders who were selling them off.

Gold vs Bitcoin

While Bitcoin is usually taken as a digital safe-haven asset, gold is the other store of value par excellence, though it has fallen 3.51% this year.

Martina Canzani
Martina Canzani
Laureata in Legge all'Università degli Studi di Milano. Concluso il percorso accademico ha iniziato ad interessarsi al mondo della blockchain, trovando in quest'ultimo un potente strumento di riscatto. La passione si è poi trasformata in lavoro, ora infatti investe in progetti early-stage di finanza decentralizzata e DAO e scrive articoli raccontando tutte le news riguardanti il mondo crypto.

