HomeCryptoBrave Nightly: more crypto wallets coming, including Ledger and Trezor

Brave Nightly: more crypto wallets coming, including Ledger and Trezor

Yesterday, a post was published in the Brave subreddit, r/BATProject, mentioning the implementation of the support for several native crypto wallets with Brave Nightly. A screenshot shows the Ledger and Trezor names that will presumably join the wallet of Uphold, the cloud-based financial services platform which is very active in the crypto landscape and which is responsible, among other things, for the KYC for users who want to operate with BAT tokens.

Ever since Brave unlocked the possibility to withdraw BAT tokens, used as rewards by the platform, users have always wondered whether there would be different options as opposed to the classic creation of an Uphold account with the respective KYC for withdrawal.

Some comments, under the image that appeared on Reddit, confirm this:

“Very nice!! I wonder if this means we’ll be able to use our local wallet instead of Uphold’s for Brave Rewards at some point”.

In particular, the lack of integration with MetaMask and MyEtherWallet was a very common complaint in the threads discussed by the Brave community.

Nevertheless, it seems that the integration with Uphold will still remain a must. There are no rumours suggesting that Uphold will no longer have a collaboration with Brave, on the contrary, Reddit users are confirming that KYC will be inevitable:

“Only once you verify your identity with Uphold, then Brave will send the BAT to your Uphold wallet and then you can withdraw to any crypto wallet that Uphold supports. But like I said, you might not see you BAT in the Uphold wallet right away. It takes some time I believe after you have been verified”.

As the community continues to complain that it would like for Brave to detach itself from this platform, Brave has taken a step forward by adopting other crypto wallets and trying to involve even more users.

According to CEO and co-founder Brendan Eich:

“BAT is compliant via Uphold, and I’ll defend that decision readily by citing our growth numbers, publishers, and users”.

Stefano Cavalli
Stefano Cavallihttp://www.stefanocavalli.it
Nato a Parma, classe '92. Laureato in Ingegneria Informatica Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni all'Università degli Studi di Parma. Appassionato da anni in tecnologia Blockchain, economia decentralizzata e criptovalute. Esperto in Web-Development & Software-Development.

