HomeBlockchainR3: Corda Enterprise 4.2 for Linux is here. Mac coming soon

R3: Corda Enterprise 4.2 for Linux is here. Mac coming soon

Corda announced Corda Enterprise 4.2. This release currently only supports Linux, while Mac and Windows are for demonstration purposes only.

Corda Enterprise is part of R3, a corporate blockchain software company that is also considering launching an IPO. Corda Enterprise is a commercial distribution of their blockchain-based platform specifically optimised to meet the needs of complex institutions. It is part of the distributed ledger and blockchain platforms. R3 leads a network of over 300 entities including banks, financial institutions, regulators, associations and technology companies.

Corda Enterprise 4.2

As confirmed by the release notes, the main objective of this version was to increase the security of cryptographic keys with the hardware security modules found in work environments.

First of all, with Corda Enterprise 4.2 up and running, there will be support for other modules requested by users such as Securosys. The procedure for the configuration of these modules is explained on the official website of Corda.

The possibility to save the cryptographic keys in an HSM (Hardware Security Module) has been introduced in Corda 4.0. This release adds the possibility to save other types of keys in a node, such as, for example, those for the TLS (Transport Layer Security).

The developers have introduced a new Registration Tool that allows the registration of a notary service and the receipt of a keystore file shared by all members of the cluster. To configure and launch this tool it is possible to refer to the official documentation.

Several substantial improvements have been introduced, in particular the increase in the operational capacity of the nodes. The management of logging is also improved, the log shows in more detail the operations performed by the node and the firewall, which can now check the CRL (Certificate Revocation List) to be sure not to connect to unverified nodes.

Matteo Gatti
Matteo Gatti
Ingegnere informatico appassionato di tecnologia e di tutto ciò che vi ruota attorno. Segue con interesse il mondo delle criptovalute e lo sviluppo della tecnologia Blockchain. Scrive anche di Linux su LFFL.

