HomeCryptoBitcoinThe ranking of crypto exchanges by the amount of bitcoin

The ranking of crypto exchanges by the amount of bitcoin

BitUniverse has added a new feature that shows the ranking of crypto exchanges that hold the most funds in bitcoin or USDT

A screenshot of the app showing this ranking as of December 1st, 2019 has been published on Reddit

In reality, BitUniverse collects data from about 240 exchanges, so it does not take them all into account. The interesting thing, however, is that the published data are not the official data provided by the exchanges themselves, but have been collected independently from the exchanges via Etherscan and PeckShield.

The ranking has been called “Exchange Transparent Balance Rank” precisely because it is supposed to be transparently collected data. 

In the first place, there is Coinbase, which holds funds for almost one million BTC (966,230), amounting to about 7.19 billion USDT. Not only would the US exchange far outperform all other exchanges, but it would also have the second-largest daily trading volume, with more than USD 118 million. 

One would expect to find Binance in the first positions, whereas in this screenshot showing the first eight, it does not appear. It is likely that this is due precisely to the fact that BitUniverse does not collect this type of data from all exchanges. 

In the second place, there is BitMEX, with just under 2 billion USDT of funds held. BitMEX, however, would have the highest daily trading volumes, with 2.5 billion dollars. Although this figure is questionable since the daily volume would exceed the total share of funds held. 

Other exchanges with funds of more than 1 billion USDT are Bitstamp, Bitfinex, Kraken and Bittrex, while the more distant are Coincheck, with 261 million, and Poloniex, with 172. 

For now, this information comes only from a screenshot published on Reddit, and it does not appear that the App for Android is already available. It is possible that in the near future these figures may be updated or completed. 


Marco Cavicchioli
Marco Cavicchioli
"Classe 1975, Marco è stato il primo a fare divulgazione su YouTube in Italia riguardo Bitcoin. Ha fondato ilBitcoin.news ed il gruppo Facebook "Bitcoin Italia (aperto e senza scam)".

