HomeCryptoAltcoinBrave: buying on Amazon using BAT tokens

Brave: buying on Amazon using BAT tokens

Brave Browser users can use BAT tokens to shop on Amazon or access services such as Uber, Xbox and more. All thanks to the partnership with TAP Network

Tap Network is a universal rewards platform that includes 250,000 brands from a wide variety of industries:

  • Travel;
  • Restaurants;
  • Entertainment;
  • Retail.

Consumers earn up to 10% of what they spend on TAP network brands, and are also rewarded by individual brands able to activate ad hoc promotions. 

Brave is the browser with 12 million users who are rewarded in BAT tokens for the ads they see when browsing from their desktop. 

The partnership between the two will allow Brave users in the United States to use BAT tokens to redeem gift vouchers that can be spent with brands that are part of TAP Network. Among them are giants like American Airlines, Delta, Hotels.com, Uber, Starbucks, Domino, Xbox, Playstation, Hulu, HBO, and even Amazon, Apple, and Walmart. 

Charity “brands” such as the Red Cross or World Wildlife Fund are also part of TAP.

How to use BAT tokens and make purchases on Amazon

To redeem BAT tokens, users of Browser Brave must have their wallet verified on Uphold. Then they must connect the Uphold account to TAP Network via the OAuth protocol and authorize TAP to operate with the various rewards options. Users will not have to register on TAP Network but simply connect the two services. 

The new feature is already available on the Brave Nightly desktop browser, the test version of Brave, while the actual launch will take place in 6-8 weeks

With this partnership Brave continues its mission to re-establish the relationship between advertiser and consumer, worn out by the advertising tracking users in every step they make on the web:

Brendan Eich, co-founder and CEO of Brave Software, explains:

“This partnership with TAP Network supports our mission of connecting consumers and brands in a respectful, mutually beneficial way, and contributes to the growth of our overall ecosystem by expanding the utility of BAT”.

According to Lin Dai, co-founder and CEO of TAP Network, consumers are tired of being rewarded with things that have limited usefulness, and this is particularly true of most of the utility tokens offered in the blockchain space. The partnership with Brave goes beyond that:

“BAT represents a fundamental shift where consumers are rewarded for their attention, and TAP is excited to connect our network of trusted brands to the Brave ecosystem, and provide real world redemption utility to BAT users beyond those offered by any other digital tokens”.


Eleonora Spagnolo
Eleonora Spagnolo
Giornalista con la passione per il web e il mondo digitale. È laureata con lode in Editoria multimediale all’Università La Sapienza di Roma e ha frequentato un master in Web e Social Media Marketing.

