HomeBlockchainThe Italian government indirectly promotes blockchain courses

The Italian government indirectly promotes blockchain courses

On the website solidarietadigitale.agid.gov.it of the Italian government, in the list of services available to support citizens and businesses in digitization, there is also a platform that offers cryptocurrency and blockchain courses

This is Docety, a free platform created in 2018, but which has already collected more than 20,000 subscribers thanks to an extensive online educational offer, characterized also by the possibility to ask for one-to-one consultations to teachers. 

This platform also features a category expressly dedicated to cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, curated by PDC Academy, with seven teachers and already more than thirty seminars, available in the “Docety class and Docety video” section by clicking on “Expand seminars/videocourses list”. 

The topics covered in this section are many, from cryptocurrency trading to the use of blockchain in areas not strictly financial, including crowdfunding and tax issues, with teachers such as Leonardo Vescovo, Andrea Tombolani, Marco Dal Pra’, the accountant Giacomo Goria, and others. 

These very same teachers also offer everyone a half-hour of free advice through the platform, allowing anyone to try this service. 

The direct advice of the teachers is a special feature of this platform, which allows students not only to attend the seminars but also to deepen their knowledge with the help of experienced professionals. 

The curious thing, however, is that Docety has been selected among the various platforms recommended by the government for digital solidarity in Italy, in other words as a tool to help during these times of emergency when many people are forced to stay at home. 

Consequently, the Italian government has also indirectly promoted the PDC Academy seminars on cryptocurrencies and blockchain, and it is quite possible that this is the first time that something similar is happening in Italy. 

Over the next 120 days, 35 seminars have been scheduled, i.e. on average one every two working days, which is in fact the most extensive training enterprise offered so far on the Italian market in this sector.

Moreover, since the platform issues a certificate of participation at the end of the seminars, trainees can add to their curriculum the attendance at these seminars in order to enrich the section dedicated to training. 


Marco Cavicchioli
Marco Cavicchioli
"Classe 1975, Marco è stato il primo a fare divulgazione su YouTube in Italia riguardo Bitcoin. Ha fondato ilBitcoin.news ed il gruppo Facebook "Bitcoin Italia (aperto e senza scam)".

