HomeBlockchainInterviewRoger Ver, Bitcoin Cash: "Adam Back doesn't believe in LN"

Roger Ver, Bitcoin Cash: “Adam Back doesn’t believe in LN”

During the CC London Forum 2019, an event held a few weeks ago in London, The Cryptonomist had the opportunity to interview Roger Ver, founder of Bitcoin.com and a great supporter of Bitcoin Cash.

With Ver, we talked about the future of BCH, of how it is a form of cash, of Lightning Network and the launch of Bitcoin Cash-based futures.

Also interesting was the part where he talks about Adam Back from Blockstream who, in his opinion, doesn’t really believe in Lightning Network although it’s what he would like us to believe.

The next day Ver had a debate on stage with Nouriel Roubini and, during the interview, he gave us some anticipations, including the observation that he doesn’t really like these debates too much, although they do entertain the public (see also the debates with Tone Vays).

Watch the full interview with Roger Ver by The Cryptonomist here. 


Francesco Redaelli
Francesco Redaelli
Nel 2014 scopre e lancia Ludovica Pagani, una delle più note influencer emergenti nel panorama italiano attuale. Oltre ad essere Co-Founder di Crypto Coinference, il più importante evento blockchain italiano, Francesco Redaelli è anche Marketing Manager di Aidcoin, progetto nato dall’ICO lanciata da CharityStars che ha raccolto oltre 16 milioni di dollari e opera come Campaign Success Manager in Two Hundred, piattaforma di equity crowdfunding per PMI e Startup Innovative. E’ stato Presidente ed è Co-Founder di Koinsquare, la principale community italiana nel mondo blockchain e collabora attivamente in varie startup come Advisor per il fundrasing di capitali di rischio tramite canali tradizionali e su blockchain, con all’attivo un raccolto totale di oltre 40 milioni di dollari. Scrive come Contributor su Irish Tech News e CryptoCoin News, è stato intervistato da Simon Cocking e ripreso anche da altre testate giornalistiche tra cui Il Fatto Quotidiano, StartupItalia e Cointelegraph.

