HomeCryptoEthereumGavin Andresen envisions a future Ethereum wallet thanks to Tornado

Gavin Andresen envisions a future Ethereum wallet thanks to Tornado

In his latest tweet, Gavin Andresen focused on the developments implemented by Tornado, an Ethereum transaction mixer, envisioning a wallet of the future.

Gavin is famous for being involved in the development of Bitcoin in its early days. He was appointed lead developer of the project by Satoshi Nakamoto in person before leaving.

Gavin is a well-known figure in the community. Now away from software developments, he is mainly involved with the Bitcoin foundation he founded in 2012.

Recently he has taken an interest in the world of Ethereum, highlighting some interesting projects that have involved the blockchain world in recent years.

Ethereum and peer to peer electronic cash

Gavin has always been dedicated to bringing to the world a form of digital money similar to cash that respects its privacy characteristics. Perhaps for this reason, the approach of using zkSnarks on Tornado has not gone unnoticed.

In an in-depth analysis linked to the tweet, written by Andresen himself, he stresses the need to reduce the complexities still present in the use of these tools in order to guarantee privacy.

“I think the mistake most people will make, is to think they can pass a bunch of ETHs through tornadoes in a new wallet and end up with a private wallet”.

In some lines Andresen observes how the complexity of Tornado easily misleads the user, making them lose the guarantees promised by this technology.

CoinJoin on Bitcoin and CashFusion on Bitcoin Cash have the same goals, but for Gavin, we still haven’t reached the necessary reduction in friction and complexity required to allow people to easily spend their cryptocurrencies without revealing all the history related to the sending address.

The wallets of the future

“I think people want a private wallet and I think Tornado is a great base that will allow some smart developers to build an Ethereum wallet that respects privacy.”

This statement is a message to the community, an indication to Ethereum developers and companies that are interested in these solutions in order to envision the wallets of the future on Ethereum.

Lorenzo Dalvit
Lorenzo Dalvit
Educatore appassionato di Blockchain, esperto di vendite e marketing, social community manager, direttore artistico, musicista, amante dei paradigmi dirompenti e della vita. Le mie competenze riguardano l'interazione e la connessione umana

