HomeCryptoMiningBitcoin: the hashrate of the blockchain crashes

Bitcoin: the hashrate of the blockchain crashes

In the last few hours the figure that immediately appears as an interesting indication, as well as the most followed and awaited, is the crash of the Bitcoin hashrate that, after remaining close to the highest historical levels, falls and drops by about 30%.

Thus, a little more than three days after the long-awaited historic halving, the Bitcoin blockchain network begins to adjust, finding its balance.

The strong collapse of the hashrate indicates that some miners, not efficient enough and with mining machines no longer adequate to the current profits, given the 50% reduction in rewards occurred on Monday night that brought the reward from 12.5 to 6.25 BTC, no longer consider the activity profitable. 

That’s why they shut down the machines or move their business to other cryptocurrencies and blockchains. 

This is leading to an increase in unverified transactions in the last few hours, generating a queue. In fact, the last 100 blocks are recording an increase of more than 45% in the closing time of the block itself, at an average of more than 10 minutes. 

Some blocks are well in excess of 20 minutes, an average that in the last 6 hours halves and falls below 25% while remaining a figure that if continued in the coming days would also impact on the metric of the difficulty of calculating the blockchain.

All this ferment on the mining side is not impacting at all the price of Bitcoin. The variations of the hashrate, in particular the important ones like the one of the last hours, have had an influence on the prices in the past. 

It is enough to remember the significant impact in 2017 when hashrate changes anticipated the price movement in the following hours and days, with a 90% occurrence.

This time there is no impact on prices, at least for now, which in the last few hours have been close to $10,000, a jump of more than 20% from levels where prices fluctuated in the pre and post halving hours

This indicates a strong market force that has positive repercussions on the sector.


Federico Izzi
Federico Izzi
Analista finanziario e trader indipendente – Socio S.I.A.T. & Assob.it. Opera attivamente sui mercati azionari e dei derivati (futures ed opzioni) dal 1997. Precursore dell’analisi ciclica-volumetrica è noto per aver individuato i più importanti movimenti al rialzo ed al ribasso sui mercati finanziari degli ultimi anni. Partecipa annualmente come relatore all’ ITForum di Rimini dall’edizione del 2010 ed InvestingRoma e Napoli dalla prima edizione del 2015. Interviene come ospite ed esperto dei mercati durante le trasmissioni “Trading Room” e “Market Driver” di Class CNBC, Borsa Diretta.tv e nel TG serale di Traderlink. Da luglio 2017 è ospite fisso su LeFonti.TV nell’unico spazio nazionale settimanale dedicato alle criptovalute insieme ai più importanti esperti internazionali del settore. Periodicamente pubblica articoli su ITForum News, Sole24Ore, TrendOnLine, Wall Street Italia. E’ stato intervistato in qualità di esperto di criptovalute per: Forbes Italia, Panorama, StartupItalia, DonnaModerna. E’ stato riconosciuto come primo analista tecnico italiano ad aver pubblicato la prima analisi ciclica secolare sul Bitcoin. Federico Izzi è… Zio Romolo

