HomeNFTGamingBlockchains in the gaming world: the ranking

Blockchains in the gaming world: the ranking

It is undeniable that the crypto and blockchain world is crowded with many projects, many of which are related to the gaming world.

Not all blockchains are suitable for running complex games.

That being said, we will use some dApp tools and statistics, for example dapp.com and dappradar.com, in order to have a look at the different blockchains involved in gaming.

We will then see which dApps are the most popular in this area.

Please note that some dApps are also present on more than one blockchain since it is possible to use the same code and adapt it with the parameters of the reference blockchain.

The best gaming dApps 

In first place there is an anime: the winner is Splinterlands, a card game based on the HIVE blockchain that was born from Steem’s hard fork. 

It is possible to play and test the platform without problems, but in order to get the rewards, both by winning with other players and daily victories, it is necessary to invest a small amount of $10, payable both with PayPal and in crypto.

In second place we find Crypto Dynasty, a game developed in China on the EOS blockchain. 

The game draws on what was created by the well-known EOS Knights, as there is a team of characters who fight against both real players and the computer.

This gaming dApp has a TKT token staking system, which allows the player to be rewarded through TKT and EOS tokens. The TKT token is now worth 0.0017 EOS.

Third place goes to Upland, the Monopoly on the EOS blockchain. The game allows players to buy parts of a digitized San Francisco and get rewards from the properties they have. Block.one itself has demonstrated the game.

At position 4 and 5 there is Prospector, another game based on the EOS blockchain but also on the sister chain WAX. The main theme of the game is the management of the mining world and everything related to it, as a kind of virtual mining to recover resources and sell them. The game has its token, PGL, tradable on several decentralized exchanges at a rate of 1 PGL = 0.0080 EOS.

Scrolling through the ranking we then find the first games based on the TRON (TRX) blockchain, such as IOI-game which is based on a car competition and CryptoTree, a game that allows interacting with other digital assets.

In the last positions, we then see some games based on the ranking of Ethereum (ETH) such as Chain Clash, a game based once again on EOS and which has several avatars such as that of Brock Pierce.

In addition, in the ranking there is My Crypto Heroes and also Axie Infinity, a digital world where to collect tokens and fight with other creatures of the game.

What are the ideal blockchains for gaming?

Certainly, as can be seen from the ranking, in first place there is the EOS blockchain, which allows managing NFTs in a decentralized way.

In second place there is the TRON (TRX) blockchain, as it has a fast and practical system but still has limitations for adoption, despite the increasing number of addresses and dApps.

Finally, hesitantly we find Ethereum (ETH) that due to the cost of transaction fees, in some moments really restrictive for the standard user, doesn’t find much consensus among the public.

Obviously, these are only the main ones, however, as far as gaming is concerned there are also IOST, ThunderCore, Loom and Klaytn.

Alfredo de Candia
Alfredo de Candia
Android developer da oltre 8 anni sul playstore di Google con una decina di app, Alfredo a 21 anni ha scalato il Monte Fuji seguendo il detto "Chi scala il monte Fuji una volta nella vita è un uomo saggio, chi lo scala due volte è un pazzo". Tra le sue app troviamo un dizionario di giapponese, un database di spam e virus, il più completo database sui compleanni di serie Anime e Manga e un database sulle shitcoin. Miner della domenica, Alfredo ha una forte passione per le crypto ed è un fan di EOS.

