Secondo quanto affermato in una recente intervista fatta a Charles Yang, Head Trader della piattaforma OTC (Over-The-Counter) Genesis Block, a causa anche dei recenti tumulti che stanno avvenendo a Hong Kong ci si aspetterebbe un incremento verso i sistemi decentralizzati come ad esempio bitcoin, invece l’interesse per BTC sembra essere ai minimi storici.
“So the protests, obviously it’s very scary for a lot of people, especially foreigners, they don’t really see what’s going on. It is definitely escalating, like living here I definitely feel a lot more worried these few weeks than when it first started, but most people think in the crypto space when there’s panic in the mass market a lot of attention goes to things that are decentralised, so Bitcoin’s obviously a way for people to store value But I see a lot of retail clients in Hong Kong and there’s definitely not a sign of this panic buying”.
Quindi, in realtà, vediamo una netta controtendenza rispetto a quello che ci aspetterebbe, al contrario insomma di quanto sta avvenendo in Argentina e Venezuela dove si registrano sempre nuovi record di scambi per bitcoin.
La motivazione che Yang dà a questo fenomeno è che l’uomo medio non conosce bitcoin e la sua decentralizzazione e di conseguenza non pensa al fatto che possa essere una soluzione.
“I think having your political views is one thing, it doesn’t mean that automatically it brings attention to Bitcoin, I think the average person that walks down the street protesting, they don’t even know what it is. They probably still think of it as a speculative asset, they don’t even know that it’s decentralised or something that’s related to governments.”
Durante l’intervista Yang si è espresso anche sulla questione America vs Cina e sui tweet di Trump.
“Trump, he was obviously ramping up the trade war and FX kind of went crazy, so Renminbi depreciated a lot, people say China’s manipulating it. Korean Won did the same thing so everything went from premiums in July to discounts in August. Clearly crypto, at least in the Chinese market, it’s shown that the inefficiency is still there.”
Anche per la Cina Yang consiglia l’uso delle crypto.
“Everyone would have thought it would go the other way. Chinese people start freaking out, they want to exit Renminbi, they need to buy crypto, so you would think premiums are there but it just didn’t happen.”